If you're considering uninstalling Kiwi Size Chart & Recommender from your Shopify store but are worried about losing your data, rest assured that your valuable sizing information is secure.
Data Preservation Guarantee
When you uninstall our app, your size charts and recommendations are not lost. There's no rush to reinstall, as your data remains intact on our servers indefinitely.
Seamless Reinstallation
Should you decide to reinstall Kiwi Size Chart & Recommender in the future, your previous size charts and recommendations will seamlessly reconnect to your account. This means you can pick up right where you left off, without having to start from scratch.
Pause vs. Delete
Uninstalling Kiwi Size Chart & Recommender is like hitting a pause button. Your sizing data is never deleted unless you choose to do so manually. This ensures that your hard work in creating personalized size recommendations for your customers is always preserved.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help ensure a seamless experience with Kiwi Size Chart & Recommender.